京都市京瓷美術館 開館一周年紀念展
會場 [ 主館北迴廊1樓 ]
Jo-no-mai (Dance Performed in Noh Play), 1936 Collection of Tokyo University of the Arts Important Cultural Property ◎On exhibit from Aug.17 to Sep.12 本展覽是近代京都畫壇中具有代表性的日本畫畫家上村松園(1875-1949)的回顧展。上村松園是近代京都畫壇中技壓群雄的女性畫家,本館在時隔約半世紀後再度舉辦其個展。
本展將展出上村松園的初期代表作《人生之花》(1899)與其絕筆之作《初夏之夕》(1949)等畫作。除本館收藏的10幅作品,在全國的美術館與個人收藏家的大力協助下,還將展出約100幅從畫家初期到晚期的代表性作品,向觀眾介紹上村松園的藝術世界。Jo-no-mai (Dance Performed in Noh Play), 1936 Collection of Tokyo University of the Arts Important Cultural Property ◎On exhibit from Aug.17 to Sep.12 信息
- 展期
- 前期:7月17日(六)~8月15日(日)
- 時間
- 10:00〜18:00
*最後入場時間:17:30 - 會場
- 主館北迴廊1樓
- 閉館日
- 星期一 *節假日開館
- 入場費
- 成人票:1800日元
上村松園 1875-1949 Uemura Shoen
出生於京都市的日本畫畫家。在繼承繪畫傳統的基礎上,以女性畫家的獨特視角描繪女性肖像,開拓獨特的藝術境地。 1948年,成為第一位授勳文化勳章的女性。
- 主辦:京都市、京都新聞、日本經濟新聞社
Important Cultural Property, Jo-no-mai (Dance Performed in Noh Play), 1936 Collection of Tokyo University of the Arts ◎On exhibit from Aug.17 to Sep.12 Flame of Jealousy, 1918 Collection of Tokyo National Museum
◎On exhibit from Jul. 17 to Aug. 15Evening in Early Summer, 1949 Collection of the Kyoto City Museum of Art The Flower of Life, 1899 Collection of the Kyoto City Museum of Art Lady Sei Shonagon, Japanese poet and author of the Pillow Book, c.1917-18 Mother and Child, 1934 Collection of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
◎On exhibit from Jul. 17 to Aug. 15Lady Komachi Washing Away a Poem, 1937 Collection of Tokyo University of the Arts
◎On exhibit from Jul. 17 to Aug. 15Scene from the Noh Play Kinuta, 1938 Collection of Yamatane Museum of Art
◎On exhibit from Jul. 17 to Aug. 15Late Autumn, 1943 Osaka City Museum of Fine Arts
◎On exhibit from Jul. 17 to Aug. 15Long Night, 1907 Collection of Fukuda Art Museum
◎On exhibit from Aug.17 to Sep.12Yang Guifei, one of the Four Beauties of ancient China, 1922 Collection of Shohaku Art Museum
◎On exhibit from Aug.17 to Sep.12