Stream in Early Summer 1918
Nonagase Banka (1889-1964)
Work Descriptions
A view of a mountain stream with intense colors covers the large six-fold screen, and the concaves and convexes at each bending point of the screen emphasize the numerous undulations of the mountains. The thick application of mineral pigments for the glowing greens and the red and blue dresses of the women with plentiful black hair creates a palpable feeling of abundance. The figure of a naked boy is visible, and the painting overflows with the unencumbered, refreshing feeling of early summer.
Pigment on cotton; six-fold screen
176.5 × 555.0 cm
below: left bottom: right
Nonagase Banka
Nonagase Banka was born in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture. He studied under Taniguchi Kokyo in Kyoto and others. His Western-like style was not accepted at the Ministry of Education Art Exhibition, and this rejection resulted in taking part in the formation of the Kokuga-Sosaku Japanese Painting Association. After the association dissolved, he distanced himself from Kyoto Art Scene. He fled to Shinshu (today's Nagano) during World War II, and communicated with local painters and continued creating works after the war.